
“Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7). God is not as impressed by the physical or academic achievements a person makes. Character is what matters to Him most. This is why Love Mali has made it our theme this year! 

Each month, every Love Mali student will gather for an assembly to hear about a new character trait that will be the focus of that month. At the end of the month, a student from each class will be recognized for displaying that particular character quality. For October, we introduced to the kids the first character trait of the year: Respect. We shared with them that although King Saul was trying to hunt down David for the kill, David never took it into his own hands to take Saul’s life when he had the chance. Instead, David had respect for the authority God had given Saul over the kingdom. We challenged the students to follow David’s example and show respect to the teachers and staff based on their position and not on how much they like them.

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