Over ten years ago, individuals began changing the lives of West African children by sponsoring students to attend the Love Mali school. Today, over 720 kids from Preschool to 9th grade attend the school! Every student at Love Mali receives an excellent education, a daily meal, and the good news of Jesus.
In this mostly Muslim country, the Love Mali staff and teachers are made up of those who love Jesus and care for their students. Despite the poverty and hardship that many in West Africa are subject to, Love Mali shines as a beacon of hope.

In January of 2005, Pastor Jack Hibbs sent five people from Calvary Chapel Chino Hills to Mali to check out the land and to return back with a report on the school. The team brought back a big “thumbs up” of all the work that was going on there. We continued to pray and to send funds so that the school construction could move forward. In January 2007, we returned to Mali and were blessed to see that there were four classrooms and 200 kids attending grades kindergarten through 4th grade. We continued to seek the Lord’s will and asked if there was something more we could do and He answered…“LOVE MALI” the sponsorship program that you are all a part of now. In March 2008, we returned with our first ever missions team to Africa. We arrived with a team of 19 from CCCH. We did outreaches with many accepting Jesus. We also had a VBS, teacher training and a medical team that assessed the children’s health.
The school has now grown to over 720 kids with 24 classes – and growing each year by the grace of God. The Lord has provided the funds necessary to drill a well for water, bring in electricity, completely wire the school for lighting and build a playground. Praise God!!!
There is also a church on the school property. Through the church seeds are being planted daily.